Oswal ICSE Computer Application Class 10
- Publisher : OSWAL
- Author: Rupa Pandit
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Oswal Publishers Icse textbook of computer Applications for Class X has been written in compliance with the latest ICSE syllabus. The purpose behind writing this book is to develop the ability of students to understand the curriculum of computers in an interesting way. Each br>Chapter carries a list of fundamentals from the topic covered. Plenty of solved exercises and programs with algorithms are provided. A variety of supporting examples supplement the text. Brief and detailed explanations for better understanding of every concept have been added. A 'remember box' Has been added for quick revisions. Solved previous Examination questions are there in each br>Chapter for self assessments. Model Papers are included at the end of this book.
Tags: Oswal ICSE Computer Application Class 10, Oswal, ICSE Class 10
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